Sunday, May 29, 2005

Brain Vs Heart..

Recently I have been contemplating a lot on this issue.
Which one is smarter? My brain or my heart!
Complicated eh?? Yes and a delicate subject too-Buddy Sreeram, handle with care…U cannot be biased to anyone.. Be careful!!
Lets compare.

Usually I make a very good first impression- I use my brain while talking to strangers.
I perform well in GDs Debates etc-- My brain helps me.
(The question of “brain not found ” alarm ringing whenever I type “my brain” is a matter of another thinking. Lets forget that for the time being and assume that I have one right there in my head ;) )
So my brain is smart! (With the above assumption assumed to be
And as soon as I have completely socialized with someone, my heart takes over… and I feel weak. Some sort of Arjuna syndrome cripples me, which helps them take advantage of me. All the while knowing that they are exploiting me, I remain calm, well poised and cheerful but disappointed and deeply hurt from within. Why should I suffer them, if I know that they are not worthy enuff?? Why not I attack them before they attack me??? NO!!! Because once they were my favorite!! BULLSHIT.
My heart is stupid! (He does have one,unfortunately! -
voice of brain - )

But then why the hell is that my stupid heart always wins over my smart brain???
Signed: Sreeram R.Warrier


Sujoo said...

Many of us are lost in this issue..everyday. U also got lost when I lost the link to your blog world. :)

Got it !!

MadV said...

I guess so is every taurean. Goes for heart rather than head.

Anonymous said...

Main purpose of the heart is to pump blood around your body.

Anonymous said...

For me, I will choose the brain because it commands our heart to pump blood and commands the lungs to breathe. If the brain will die, who will commands the heart, the lungs? No one because the brain died. The heart will also die because there is no one that commands it to pump blood.

Sreeram R Warrier said...

If we are going by physiological terms, then heart does not need the support of brain to pumb blood. It works voluntarily. That is what I have studied during my school days. And I dont think many mutations have happend afterwards ;-)

Anonymous said...

though concept of relying on our preconceived "smart" brains seems preferable,yet it does nothing but takes decision primarily concerned with our mundane existence...chewing over the subject reveals that it,s heart that actually provides anchorage to brain than the other way around.
so when it comes to something of as high aesthetic value as LIFE,the heart takes over...

Sreeram R Warrier said...

Right said friend, U got my point;-)
Btw, Someone told me that heart muscles are involuntary and not voluntary as I had mentioned in the previous comment. He is right. But, although heart muscles are involuntary, meaning that it does not need "our" will [or brain or someother thing] for its action, heart still is voluntary meaning that it acts by "its own will"... ;-)